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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Non Peer-Reviewed Publications

Millard, Matthew.  "Secret Alliances: Why States Make, Keep, and End Them." Edward Elgar (forthcoming).


Millard, Matthew.  “Of Mountains, Rivers, and Oceans: Territorial Effects on Military Expenditures, 1961-2012” New Global Studies 


Millard, Matthew and Chase Porter. 2018. “Testing the Hard Case: Reactive Devaluation, Iran, and Nuclear Negotiation” Journal of Political Science. 46.


Millard, Matthew. 2018. "Rethinking the Kantian Peace: Evidence from a Liberal, Moderate, and Conservative Measure of Norm Diffusion." New Global Studies, 12.3:325-341.


Millard, Matthew. 2017. “A Tale of Two Systems: Learning to Cooperate and Compete in the International System.”  Spectra, 6(1).


Millard, Matthew. 2017. “Challenging Institutions: Getting Goods or Getting your own Institutions?” Journal of Regional Studies. 


Millard, Matthew. Editor and forward, Special Curated Issue, Conflict Management and Peace Science, (Alliances).  2016.









Working Papers

Kovac, I., Ivanov, I., & Millard, M.C.

"Analyzing European National Cybersecurity Strategies: Deterrence, Norms and Persistent Engagement." 


Kovac, I., Ivanov, I., & Millard, M.C

"Cyber T.S. Elliot: Good Cyber Strategies Copy, Great Cyber Strategies Steal".


Gartzke, E., Millard, M.C., & Hulme, P.  "Throwing in the Towel:  Democracies and the Acceptance of Defeat". 



Site Title

Millard, MC, Book Review (double)  Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (2023)--"Understanding the India-China Border: The Enduring Threat of War in High Himalaya,"  by Manoj Joshi. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 

"Armed Coexistence: The Dynamics of the Intractable Sino-Indian Border Dispute." by Stephen Westcott. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillian, 2022



Millard, Matthew. 2009. Gender-Based Violence in Darfur" Gold Star Journal (The Citadel):8-22.


Conference Presentations (selected)

IHS, Scholarship and Free Society, June 2012

“Conflicting notions: Locke, Property, Virtue, and Early American Republican Thought.”


University of South Carolina, Graduate Student Conference, February 2013

“The Calculus of the Casualty-Aversion Hypothesis: Afghanistan, Public Opinion in the Use of Drones, and Elite Strategic Choice.”


Texas A&M, Reflections on Violence Conference, March 2013          

“Gender-Based Violence in Darfur.”


SPSA, January 2015

“Uncle Sam is here to Help: An Analysis of US Involvement in International Crises, 1919-2007."


ISA, February 2015

“Uncle Sam is here to Help: An Analysis of US Involvement in International Crises, 1919-2007."


Educational Studies in Psychology and Research Methodology, April 2015

“Revisiting Reactive Devaluation: The Case of Nuclear Weapons” (poster presentation)


SPSA, January 2016

"Revisiting Reactive Devaluation: The Case of Nuclear Weapons”


ISA (Southern), October 2015

"Learning to Race: An Analysis of the Soviet/American Arms Race."


ISA (Midwest), November 2015

“Learning the Trade: State Leaders and the Teaching of International Relations”


ISA (Midwest), November 2016

“Learning to Become Friends: Plagiarism and the Making of International Alliances”


ISA (Midwest), November 2016

“Introducing the PLAD Dataset: Plagiarism, Leaders, and Alliances Data"


SPSA, January 2017

“Learning to Become Friends: Plagiarism and the Making of International Alliances”


ISA ,February 2017
“Learning Different Lessons: New State Membership, MID Success, and MID Initiation”


ISA, February 2017

"Learning to Become Friends: Plagiarism and the Making of International Alliances”


MPSA, March 2017 (with Matthew Reid Krell)

“The Hidden Utility of Brexit”


APSA. September 2017

“Learning Different Lessons: Externalizing Rivalry Lessons to Unrelated MIDs”
ISA (Midwest), November 2017-(with Doug Gibler, University of Alabama)

“Why States Ally: Using Alliance Texts to Understand Choice”
ISA, February 2018       

“Is Anyone Listening? Crisis Signaling by the British House of Commons, 1918-2004”


APSA, August 2018

"Keeping it Secret: Selection into Secret Alliances and Internal Signaling"


ISA, 2019
"Military Expenditure and Size as a Function of Border Threat and Historical Experience"

ISA, 2019
"Keeping it Secret: Secret Alliance Texts as Signaling and Coordination Agreements"

MPSA, 2019
"Of Mountains, Battleships, and Tanks: Territorial Effects on Military Expenditures"

"Military Expenditure and Size as a Function of Border Threat and Historical Experience"

CEE-ISA, 2019
"Nobody Knows What Goes on Behind Closed Doors: Experience and Secret Diplomacy"


EPSA, 2019
“Throwing in the Towel: Democracies and Lost Disputes”


APSA, 2019
“Of Mountains, Rivers, and Oceans: Territorial Effects on Military Expenditures”


Australian Political Science Association, 2019
”Of Mountains, Rivers, and Oceans: Territorial Effects on Military Expenditures”


ISA (Midwest), 2020
”Marriages of Convenience: Secret Alliance Formation, Issue Alignment, and Termination”


SPSA, 2021
”Nobody Knows What Goes on Behind Closed Doors: Targeting, Division of Goods, and Secret Alliances”


ISA, 2023
“Never Meant to Last: Secret Alliance Duration, Termination, and Success”


ISA, 2024
“Let’s Just Be Friends: Secret Alliances and Alliance Portfolios”


CEE-ISA, 2024
“However it Ends, it Ends: Secret Alliance Termination, Reputation, and the Prospects for Future Allies”

ISA, 2025 (with Igor Kovac and Ivan Ivanov)

"Analyzing European National Cybersecurity Strategies: Deterrence, Norms and Persistent Engagement." 





Site Title

*All opinions represented in this document or course ware is the opinion of the individual and do not represent the opinion of the US Government, Department of Defense, US Air Force, Air University, or Global College of PME. 

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